Thursday, January 13, 2011

Art Explorer 1: My Creative Inspiration

The word is, CREATIVITY.
That is spelled, c-r-e-a-t-i-v-i-t-y. 
The meaning is, the potential to explore, interpret and understand yourself and the world in any way that satisfies you

Creativity is endless and it is different to each individual. One may express their creativity through music, dance, art or even storytelling and these are just a few of the obvious.  You have to remember that almost everything requires some aspect of creativity, even writing and math!!  The possibilities to be creative are never ending and undefined. All in all, I believe, YOU determine your creative ability, because it is an expression of your beliefs, values, opinions and ideas that are constantly changing and evolving. 

     To be completely honest, I never thought of myself as a "creative being".  I always wanted and wished to be creative, but I never learned to play an instrument or read music, I didn't have the rhythm to be a dancer and I was definitely not artistic.  Growing up I believed that these three categories, music, dance and art determined creativity. Although I did not excel in neither category, I was determined to find my creative streak. I found inspiration in one of my many uncles, who I believe to be extremely artistic.
     I remember going to my uncle's house, and looking at his drawings and paintings and thinking to myself, "Wow, I wish I could be that creative". He was and still is a very artistic person and when I used to look at his artwork, it empowered me to believe that somehow I could be that creative.  One day, within minutes, on this square piece of drywall he created this beautiful drawing of a Greek column. Just looking at it made me want to try and draw one, so I picked up a piece of drywall and started.  As I was drawing, I remember looking to my uncle's creation, trying to copy each line and curve.  In the end, my drawing looked nothing like his.  I realized that although drawing wasn't "my creative thing", I did have a one, I just hadn't discovered it yet.

Here is the Greek column and a few other drawings that my uncle has created...

     Over the years, I came to a new definition of creativity, which is the definition described to you in the beginning of this blog. I don't know the exact moment or time that I came to this realization, but what I do know is that this new understanding of creativity had no limits.  With this new knowledge, I started to explore the world of photography.  I had always been interested in photography, but I considered it as a hobby rather than a creative escape. This recently changed and it all started with one picture. One picture, which included my grandma, my two siblings, my two cousins and I.  As I was looking through an old album I stumbled upon this particular picture. I paused on it for a while, examining it.  There is nothing physically striking to the picture, it is merely an old picture from a wedding that includes all the grandchildren with their grandmother.  However, since my grandmother had recently passed away there was emotional significance to the picture and it was probably the last picture of all of us together.
     From there I developed a curiosity about photography and started to explore picture taking and collages.  Of course, some photographs can be strikingly straightforward in their beauty, but for me, the story behind the photograph is where the creativity takes place.  A photograph is a caption, a caption of time and whoever stares long enough will see and experience its creative story.  As the famous saying goes, "A picture says a thousand words".

The picture that started it all... 

**Note to Future Educators**
Remember that every child is creative in their own unique way! So, encourage them to find their creative escape and explore the world!!

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